COVID-19 Update - August 21, 2020
- COVID-free for 157 days since the public health emergency was declared in BC on March 17, 2020.
- The Day Program for Older Adults (DPOA) was closed in late March, at the direction of Fraser Health. There are currently no plans to re-open the DPOA, due to the significant risks of COVID-19 for clients. Staff have however been connecting with clients and their caregivers regularly, providing resources, and most recently, facilitating group programs for clients over ZOOM.
- Our KinVillage Community Centre was closed on March 17, 2019, in alignment with the City’s decision to close its recreation centres and the two seniors’ centres it owns – McKee and Kennedy. While we all miss the energy of our Centre and seeing our friends there regularly, the safety of our staff, members, and the public is paramount to us in these uncertain times.
In June the City shared its phased reopening plan for City facilities. It’s the result of a robust decision-making process, ensures compliance with provincial orders and guidelines, and reflects that the health and safety of staff and the public is paramount. The plan will adapt if and as the COVID-19 situation changes. It includes the City’s decision that McKee and Kennedy will remain closed for seniors’ activities until stage 5 of the plan, when the pandemic ends (i.e. there is a treatment and/or vaccine for COVID-19). As part of the 4th stage, the City is currently planning to begin in late September using its two seniors’ centres to offer fitness programs, because the large halls allow space for physical distancing. A significant component of these classes will be targeted for seniors. Based on the City’s comprehensive plan and KinVillage’s close working relationship with the City, including a service agreement and associated funding for our Centre, we are exploring with City staff the possibility of using our Centre similarly. No decisions have been reached at this time.
We will continue reaching out to and exploring with our members other ways to connect socially, albeit not physically, through the KinVillage Community Centre.
members and volunteers!
- Increased compensation is being provided to staff working at KinVillage during the pandemic, as announced earlier by the provincial and federal governments. KinVillage recently received funds from Fraser Health that has now been forwarded to our major partners, ProVita and Compass/Marquise, so they can pay assisted living and hospitality services staff wages in line with provincial collective agreements (“wage levelling”). Unfortunately, we’ve recently learned that funding for the 16 weeks of “pandemic pay”, for which most of those working at KinVillage will be eligible, will not be available until later this fall. Thanks to our staff for their patience as we work through the Ministry of Health’s funding process.
Wishing you a very happy month of August! Stay safe!