(Long Term Care at Home)
Helping You Stay Safe, Supported, and Comfortable at Home
Our LTC @ Home program is designed to help seniors maintain their independence by offering two streams of support: Remote Care Monitoring (RCM) and Respite Boarding. Both programs provide personalized care options and ensure that you or your loved ones have access to the assistance needed to remain safe and comfortable at home.
The RCM program is open to clients who would benefit from remote monitoring support to remain at home.
SOS/Falls Pendant:
Signals alerts in case of falls or emergencies. (*note: individuals with a cardiac implantation device, such as a pacemaker, are ineligible).
Home Monitoring System:
Motion detector sensors to enhance your safety at home. (e.g., motion detector sensors).
Automated Medication Dispensing Device:
Ensure you're on track with your medication subscription
Connect with Respite/Virtual LPN for eligibility and process.
Respite-Virtual Care LPN will provide education about RCM (Remote Care Monitoring) technology.
Follow-up call from LPN after 48 hours of device use to give support as needed.
Feel free to contact LPN for any questions/concerns or issues with the device via phone or email.ription
An opportunity for family/caregivers to take a break while their loved one benefits from a program of personalized activity and support with personal care.
Check in and introduction.
Program runs 7 days. 2PM Tuesday until 2PM following Tuesday.
Private suite with health care assistants nearby for 24 hours support.
Meals and activities provided during stay.
Bring your personal care items: clothing, toiletries, incontinent products, hearing aids, glasses etc.
Bring medications that you will require during your stay in a blister pack prepared by your local pharmacy.
Both programs currently have no fees, but this is subject to change. Our commitment is to provide high-quality care and personalized support for all clients.
Our Goal
Support clients to live safely and independently at home.
Provide support to families/caregivers.
Reduce hospitalizations and/or delay admission to long-term care.
To use a broad range of technology to support clients in remaining safe at home.
Contact us
Lujean Mendoza , Respite/Virtual Care LPN Coordinator
Email: respite-virtualLPN@kinvillage.org
Phone: 604.943.0155 Ext. 290