KinVillage offers programming through our Community Centre to benefit our community’s older adults. Covering a broad range of interests; from the very popular adult education program, to social options like snooker and dances; and the wide variety of physical, intellectual and artistic options, at KinVillage, adults meet, try something new and develop interests. The success of the KinVillage Community Centre is driven by volunteer involvement. We provide a place for people to gather, plan, create and even lead the programs in which to be active. Along with these programs, they enjoy the wonderful café and the gently-used clothing boutique (open weekdays) that supplies very affordable options for all to enjoy. Here is an overview of what is available:

Physical Fitness and Dance

  1. Ballroom Dance classes – Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced

  2. Dancercise

  3. Fitness & Stretch

  4. Fitness & Weights

  5. Friday Ballroom Dancing

  6. Hawaiian Dancing

  7. International folk dancing

  8. Keep Fit exercising

  9. Line Dancing

  10. Modified OsteoFit

  11. Pilates Levels 1 & 2

  12. Step & Stretch

  13. Sunday Tea Dances

  14. Urban Pole Walking

  15. Walking Group

  16. Yoga

Mental Fitness and Games

  1. Bingo

  2. Bridge – Beginners, Social & Partners

  3. Cribbage

  4. Euchre

  5. Poker Board Games and Darts

  6. Snooker/ Billiards


  1. Chair Massage

  2. Foot Care

  3. Health Sessions & Groups (ie. Parkinson’s group/Alzheimer’s group)

Arts and Crafts

  1. KinQuilters

  2. Knit & Crochet

  3. Water Colour Art Classes

Concerts, Events and Outings

  1. Christmas Market

  2. Delta Concert Band

  3. Delta Music Makers

  4. Great Impersonator & Cabaret Shows

  5. KinVillage Travel (to casinos, fireworks, etc.)

  6. Monthly lunches

  7. Movie Matinees

  8. New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance

  9. Seniors’ Week Celebrations

  10. Shari’s Saturday Social Dance