KinVillage Appreciates its Volunteers!
This year’s theme for National Volunteer week was: “Volunteers are the roots of strong communities”Just like roots are essential for trees to bloom, volunteers are essential for communities to blossom.Thanks to our KinVillage volunteers, our KinVillage community is strong and resilient. We have 250 active volunteers at KinVillage and in any given month we have up to 120 Volunteers actively working at KinVillage. That adds up to over 16,000 volunteer hours this year
alone and if you put a dollar amount to those hours that totals $272,000 worth of man/woman hours per year!On April 22nd, we celebrated our Volunteers with a great Lunch which started out with some a introductions and words by John, Brian and Bettina and our CEO Donna Ellis made a toast to all our volunteers.The Menu was: pork loin, roasted potatoes, caramelized carrots and butternut squash, muslin greens and apple strudel.Following lunch entertainers Cheek to Cheek performed and many of the volunteers were up dancing.
Managers, Recreation staff and Directors all pitched in to serve the volunteers. All in all it was a splendid day.