Thank you once again to TOOB for their generous donations to our West Court courtyard garden!

KinVillage Communications & EA
As a not-for-profit society serving older adults in Tsawwassen, KinVillage relies on the generous support of the community to help enhance the lives of its residents, clients and members.
TOOB, (Tsawwassen Order of Old Bastards), recent presentation of a cheque for $2,000 towards the purchase of two new outdoor benches for our courtyard brings their contributions to KinVillage to over $28,000 over the last several years. We know that residents of our care home, their families and other visitors, will enjoy sitting on them while enjoying the garden views.
Donna Ellis, CEO, says "We are, as always, so thankful to TOOB for always thinking of KinVillage and our residents' comfort and enjoyment!"