COVID-19 Update - June 30, 2020: Welcoming Visitors to KinVillage
Since the middle of March, visits withresidents have been restricted due to the threat of CVOID-19. Earlier today weheard from Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and Minister of Health AdrianDi, that there will be increased opportunities for family/social visits withresidents of care homes and assisted living residences.
In order to allow visits as outlinedtoday by Dr. Henry, we must first have in place a detailed, written plan thatdescribes how we will meet the practice requirements and established criteria toensure safety for residents, visitors and staff. This plan will include for example location(s)for visits that support physical distancing practices, a process for bookingvisits in advance, appropriate staffing to screen and assist visitors withinfection prevention control practices, and how the single designated visitorfor each resident will be identified.
As Dr. Henry indicated, we need to moveslowly and cautiously. We are nowbeginning to develop the plans and resources to ensure safe visits and willprovide further information within the next couple of weeks. Thank you forhelping us keep KinVillage COVID-19 free to date and for your patience as we thoughtfullyprepare to welcome residents’ visitors.