KinVillage Community Centre Open House
Tuesday, June 4th
11:45 am - 1:30 pm
Join us for an exciting Open House event at KinVillage Community Centre! This is a fantastic opportunity to explore the wide range of programs and activities we offer for the 50+ community. Enjoy live music and connect with others while learning about different organizations and the resources they provide.
Event Highlights:
Fun and engaging activities such as Pilates, Fitness & Stretch, Chair Yoga, Line Dancing, Ball Fitness, and Jazzercise.
Social activities including Ukulele Jam, Coffee Time, Bingo, Movie Time, and Mah Jong.
Creative and recreational activities like Watercolour Art, Readers Theatre, Floor Curling, Bridge/Canasta, and Cribbage.
Dance activities including Ballroom Dance and Social Dance.
Language classes in French & Spanish, Quilting, Writing Group, Coffee with a Cop, and Knitting.
Other Organizations to Learn About:*
City of Delta
Delta Police
Institute on Aging & Lifelong Health - UVic
Heart to Home Meals Vancouver
Visit Our Unique Boutique and Become a Member to Save!**
For more information, please contact us at 604-943-0225. We look forward to seeing you there!